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Pinscape }}- Dans cette vidéo de fabrication de mon pincab (flipper virtuel), je vais installer la carte KL25Z qui me permettra d'avoir une meilleur maniabilité via les boutons ... 

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Movies trailers songs reviews news Pinscape Controller | Pinscape

Pinscape Controller - Pinscape - Video showing the nudging from my Pinscape controller. 

Movies trailers songs reviews news Ghostbusters Slimer Virtual Pinball Machine (4K) With Pinscape, Pinup Player, Pinball X | Pinscape

Ghostbusters Slimer Virtual Pinball Machine (4K) with Pinscape, Pinup Player, Pinball X - Pinscape - If you love pinball then check out my latest video where I talk about some of the technology inside my pinball tables and we take a look at some tables close up. 

Movies trailers songs reviews news FABRIQUER UN PINCAB #15 : Installation KL25Z Pinscape | Pinscape

FABRIQUER UN PINCAB #15 : Installation KL25Z Pinscape - Pinscape - Dans cette vidéo de fabrication de mon pincab (flipper virtuel), je vais installer la carte KL25Z qui me permettra d'avoir une meilleur maniabilité via les boutons ... 

Movies trailers songs reviews news Dof Control Kl25z Board And Teensy Addressable LEDs | Pinscape

Dof Control Kl25z Board And Teensy Addressable LEDs - Pinscape - Kl25z not 257 oops few bits controlled by dof and mx addressable cabinet files example change the wording found swoops effects as well. 

Movies trailers songs reviews news Virtual Pinball Volume Control | Pinscape

Virtual Pinball Volume Control - Pinscape - This is a very cool program written by Mjr that will allow you to control the sound and equalize it for all tables. There is also a night mode You can find it on his ... 

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